Tuesday, September 24, 2019


9/23 -24/2019
United flight from LAX to Newark,NJ at 6:15 then a five hour layover .  United to Madrid arriving at 9:15 .

No visa required fast baggage pickup and no customs check.  quick walk to the end of the international terminal to catch bus 200 which took us to the Metro then on to the main bus station Mendez Alvaro or locally known as estacion sur.  

We got there in plenty of time to get tickets for the Alsa  Plus 12:00  bus to Oviedo arriving at 17:30.  $40 for two of us for the 5 1/2 hr scenic ride on highways so smooth you hardly know the bus is moving.

Madrid and the mid section is flat and very dry until you get to the mountains through many long tunnels.  I’m glad we didn’t take the plane option as we would have missed the beauty of the rugged Asturias.
     19:00 Almost time to board  our final bus from Oviedo to Villaviosa. 

 Sure will sleep tonight.
About a 49 min bus ride and a short walk to the first little Hotel.  

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