Thursday, October 17, 2019

Official Completion of Camino del Norte

10-17-2019.     It’s official.   We have been issued our Compostelas for the Camino del Norte.   All 823 Kms from Irun to Santiago.  First half in 2015 and 2nd half completed yesterday.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Walking Day 20

10-16-2019.  O Pedrouzo (Arca do Pino) to Santiago de Compostela.

It was so rainy and stormy last night neither of us were eager to get up in the dark to head out into the cold.  I guess it was about 8:30 when we left are room and went straight to the coffee / pastry shop just up the street and hung out there till it really got light around 9:00. There are so many more walkers now that our northern route has joined the Frances route.

Here are the Easter eggs, notice the tiny day packs.  Most only walking the last 100k of the Frances.

One of my favorite pics of the day in a tiny break in the rain.

Nearing the Santiago airport.
A sight we both remember from the last time we walked in to Santiago back in 2010.  The end of the runway.  Just missed a plane coming in right over our heads.

Seemed like forever walking into town from the airport, raining so hard I couldn’t even take at picture at Monte del Gozo which is the first place way up on a hill that you can see the spires of the Cathedral on a clear day.  Al got one.

 Soon after we entered the portal to the old part of town Al started looking for a nice place for us to stay for a couple nights close to the Cathedral.  I don’t even know the name of the place but it’s beautiful. Only 3 rooms on each of 4 floors in an old building that has been totally modernized on the inside.

Here’s a view from our window.

 As we are really glad to have hot showers, heat to dry our rain gear and a laundry service to dry our clothes. 

So my book says the total for the 2nd half of Camino del Norte from Villaviciosa to Santiago de Compostela is 372k or 231 miles.  We walked 20 days and rested 2 days. 
No blisters, no soar feet, no shin splints and no Achilles issues this time.  I did shead a tear of thankfulness when we walked though the portal to the old town.  Thankful to Al for his kind helpfulness and encouragement through out the walk. What a great way for us to celebrate our 52 wedding anniversary along the way.  Glad we made it to Santiago again after nine years since the Frances route.

Walking Day 19 - A Gándara to O Pedrouzo

October 15, 2019

We left the Albergue at 8 AM in search of breakfast.  Started walking at about 8:45 in daylight and immediately came to the split in the Camino. We had 3 options.  The old route (longest) that joined the French route at Arzúa, the new “official” route (shortest) without accommodation for 40 km, and Option 2 which we took.  We walked 18 km without seeing another pilgrim until we reached the French route at Brea.

 Holly tree with berries 

Eucalyptus forest with perfect rows.

County road for 10 km

Lunch break out of the rain at a school bus stop 

Once we joined the French route at Brea there was a steady stream of Pilgrims.  We walked to the first bar and found it quite crowded w good food and....

Cerveza time

We continued on to shorten our final day finding a nice Pension, a Pilgrims meal and some fruit for the evening.  We saw cauliflower with gigantic leaves which we told are eaten and not part of a soup or broth. Who knew!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Walking Day 18

We are at the Albergue Casa da Gandara along with A Dutch couple that we have visited with several times so we all had an early dinner together and discussed walking plans for tomorrow as there are three options. 

10-14-2019.   From Sobrado dos Monxes to A Grandara (Boimorto).
Knowing it would rain all day and tomorrow would have to be a long walking day we planned on a short day.  It was 44 degrees when we started out after a lazy wake up and A really nice breakfast of grilled toast with ham and tomatoes and olive oil.  I think it was 9:00 , our latest start so far.

Lots of rain and a high of 52 degrees.  Layers of clothes to keep warm but hiking with a pack up hills creates a sauna inside the rain poncho.  Yes ... I am complaining.  It is most uncomfortable.
A brief break in the rain.  This seems like the longest day and I know it’s the shortest.

It’s to be another rain filled day.

At this point it’s hard not to be counting the K s to Santiago.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Walking Day 17

10-13-2019.    From Miraz to Sobrado dos Monxes.    
The wind started in the middle of the night then the rain came in waves of torrential downpours.  We had 6 sets of bunk beds in our room with 6 guys and me.   About 6:00 three guys got up , trying to be quiet, dressing and arranging their gear and left before 7:00 in all that rain with flashlights.   Crazy !   As it was we were up and ready to go by 7:30 as we were told the cafe would be open for coffee and toast by then but they weren’t there till 8:00.  Even at 8:15 it was still so dark Al had to use his flashlight to start walking but by then the rain had eased to a moderate level.

Sprinkled on and off most of the day.

We reached the highest point of the Northern route today.  Timber country.  Above the slate field on tops of the hills there were areas of solid granite then coming down though mostly pine forests.   We did go by a stone quarry but it was raining too hard to take a picture.

Then finally into town where the big Monasterio de Santa Maria de Sobrado was founded in 952.  I’m sorry we didn’t get to see inside.

The place we were going to stay was closed for remodeling but when we called there number a woman said she might have one more room for us.  It was next door in the building where she lived.  She had rented a little apartment to Two Spanish  pilgrims but she said she knew they wouldn’t mind sharing it with us.     So we got one bedroom and they got the other.  Couldn’t wait to take a hot shower , go next door for an early dinner and crawl in bed.