Monday, October 14, 2019

Walking Day 16

10-12-2019.   From Baarmonde to Miraz
Not much different today.   Less hobbit toe paths and more forest roads with more pine and oak trees.  Another perfect walking day.

First time I got a picture of Al behind me.  I think he was checking his watch.   
In Spain if you want fresh bread you leave a bag on your front door or gate.  We were lucky to meet up with the bread man as we were out of bread for are walking lunches.

Definitely in lumber country.

A fixer upper for Al...

And a great little lunch stop shared with friends Judy and George from Canada 70 and 81.  I think this is their 4th Camino.  Now enjoying having their packs carried ahead by the post office service 4 Euros per stage.  Hummmmm. Sounding better everyday.

An artist stone carvers studio along the way who has been there for 30 years, stamped our passports and showed us his works.

Finally our albergue for the night. Very new and every having our own place.  Already washed and dried all of our clothes.

All the albergues now give you a soft paper sheet and pillow case which they then Recycle.   Nice. Plus they always give you a great warm blanket, this for from 6 to $11 euros.  We still use our little sleeping sacks.

Tomorrow is a long day and the rain is suppose to be coming but right now I’m sitting in the sun enjoying the warmth.

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