Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Walking Day 18

We are at the Albergue Casa da Gandara along with A Dutch couple that we have visited with several times so we all had an early dinner together and discussed walking plans for tomorrow as there are three options. 

10-14-2019.   From Sobrado dos Monxes to A Grandara (Boimorto).
Knowing it would rain all day and tomorrow would have to be a long walking day we planned on a short day.  It was 44 degrees when we started out after a lazy wake up and A really nice breakfast of grilled toast with ham and tomatoes and olive oil.  I think it was 9:00 , our latest start so far.

Lots of rain and a high of 52 degrees.  Layers of clothes to keep warm but hiking with a pack up hills creates a sauna inside the rain poncho.  Yes ... I am complaining.  It is most uncomfortable.
A brief break in the rain.  This seems like the longest day and I know it’s the shortest.

It’s to be another rain filled day.

At this point it’s hard not to be counting the K s to Santiago.

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